Permanent Make-Up Info


Permanent Make-Up
Aquarelle Lips (Lips Blushing)
Brow Color & Shape Correction 
$320+ up
$180+ up
PMU procedure, may last up to 2-3 hours depending on client. If retouch or additional correcting is needed, client will need to wait 45 days. Some medications and/or hormones may cause color to fade quicker. PMU procedure cannot be done while pregnant or breastfeeding. Aftercare and proper ointment will be provided. For the following 3 days, nothing can be applied on eyebrows other than the ointment provided and on the lips, Aquaphor can be applied. Do not apply water on the FRESH brows or lips for those three days. Flaking and scabbing is completely normal, but DO NOT PEEL. It will fall on it's own. Stay away from Vaseline & Neosporin - those can trigger the color to fall or fade. This semi-permanent make-up may last up to 5+ years DEPENDING on the client's skin.
*Aquarelle Lips- If prone to cold sore, one or two may appear abruptly after procedure. To prevent that from occurring, you can take valacyclovir or another antiviral medication a few days prior to the procedure.
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